Now touring: The Salutary Songs of Sobriety and Salvation

Inspired by the work of various nefarious evangelists, our set of ‘Salutary Songs of Sobriety and Salvation’ ‘ explores warning songs, exhortational songs, songs which you might not want to join in with but draw you in anyway, perhaps against your better judgment…. we’re thinking about:

What are your Salutary Songs?

And what are our songs of sobriety? Well, they’re those songs which come to us in the deadest of the darkest part of the night… just before the dawn. Those songs which ask you, in the time honoured Talking Heads manner… “You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here?” and you wake up in a start, wondering what was it that led to you hearing that song in the strangest of times? We’re thinking…

What are your Songs of Sobriety?

And our Songs of Salvation? They’re our songs with a happy ending (and don’t we all love a happy ending?)

Those songs which lift your soul, demand you throw open the curtains and embrace the brand new day because whilst your world might be the darkest it’s ever been, there will always be a song for you which lifts you, shines you and saves you. We’re thinking…

What are your Songs of Salvation?